Professional Home Organiser

Certified KonMari® Consultant

A tidy home for a tidy mind!


Lighten your mental workload
and restore harmony and balance to your home

Lighten your mental workload
and restore harmony and balance to your home

Lighten your mental workload and restore harmony and balance
to your home


Transform your home with personalised solutions tailored to your needs

Transform your home with personalised solutions tailored to your needs

Transform your home
with personalised
solutions tailored
to your needs


Discover inspiring ways to revamp
your home with creative ideas
and advice

Discover inspiring ways to revamp your home with creative ideas and advice

Discover inspiring ways
to revamp your home
with creative ideas
and advice

Save time and money

Boost efficiency and save money
by reorganising and
simplifying processes

Boost efficiency and save
money by reorganising
and simplifying processes

Boost efficiency and 
save money by
simplifying processes

"Tidying up is not just about cleaning and organizing your physical space. It's about cleaning and organizing your life and putting it in order" - Marie Kondo

What is a professional Home Organiser?

What is a professional Home Organiser?

A professional home organiser is trained to provide personalised solutions to deal with clutter and disorder in the home. He/she establishes efficient organisational systems, optimises space, and develops processes to help maintain the home tidy and organised.

A Home Organiser helps make tidying and organising an enjoyable and gratifying experience and can even motivate other family members to participate, leading to an organised and calming environment for everyone in the home.

A home organiser saves you time and energy by streamlining daily tasks, so you can focus on the things that matter most in your life.

What is a KonMari® consultant?

KonMari® consultants are trained by Marie Kondo and the KonMari® Inc. team to follow the specific Marie Kondo method which focuses on identifying items that bring joy and purpose to one’s home.
Rather than tidying by room, it is recommended to sort and tidy by category of objects in the following order:

     1.   Clothes
     2.   Books
     3.   Papers
     4.   Miscellaneous items
     5.   Sentimental items

Studies have shown that having a tidy home can have a positive impact on health and well-being. It can help reduce stress and improve overall happiness. Even though tidying may be seen by many as a burden, it is also an excellent way to clear the mind and reduce anxiety.

A disorderly home environment can have the opposite effect, leading to anxiety and stress, as well as having a negative impact on relationships and productivity.

An article published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, explained that women living in cluttered homes were more likely to be depressed and tired. These women also had higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

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A home organiser saves you time and energy by streamlining daily tasks, so you can focus on the things that matter most in your life.

What is a KonMari® consultant?

KonMari® consultants are trained by Marie Kondo and the KonMari® Inc. team to follow the specific Marie Kondo method which focuses on identifying items that bring joy and purpose to one’s home.
Rather than tidying by room, it is recommended to sort and tidy by category of objects in the following order:


1.  Clothes
2.  Books
3.  Papers
4.  Komono (Miscellaneous items)
5.  Sentimental items

By following this order, you gain an understanding of the items that make you happy before tackling more challenging categories, such as items of sentimental value (see more).

What is a professional Home Organiser?

A professional home organiser is trained to provide personalised solutions to deal with clutter and disorder in the home. He/she establishes efficient organisational systems, optimises space, and develops processes to help maintain the home tidy and organised.

A Home Organiser helps make tidying and organising an enjoyable and gratifying experience and can even motivate other family members to participate, leading to an organised and calming environment for everyone in the home.

A home organiser saves you time and energy by streamlining daily tasks, so you can focus on the things that matter most in your life.

What is a professional Home Organiser?

What is a professional Home Organiser?

A professional home organiser is trained to provide personalised solutions to deal with clutter and disorder in the home. He/she establishes efficient organisational systems, optimises space, and develops processes to help maintain the home tidy and organised.

A Home Organiser helps make tidying and organising an enjoyable and gratifying experience and can even motivate other family members to participate, leading to an organised and calming environment for everyone in the home.

A home organiser saves you time and energy by streamlining daily tasks, so you can focus on the things that matter most in your life.

What is a KonMari® consultant?

What is a KonMari® consultant?

KonMari® consultants are trained by Marie Kondo and the KonMari® Inc. team to follow the specific Marie Kondo method which focuses on identifying items that bring joy and purpose to one’s home.
Rather than tidying by room, it is recommended to sort and tidy by category of objects in the following order:

     1.  Clothes
     2.  Books
     3.  Papers
     4.  Miscellaneous items
     5.  Sentimental items

Studies have shown that having a tidy home can have a positive impact on health and well-being. It can help reduce stress and improve overall happiness. Even though tidying may be seen by many as a burden, it is also an excellent way to clear the mind and reduce anxiety.

A disorderly home environment can have the opposite effect, leading to anxiety and stress, as well as having a negative impact on relationships and productivity.

An article published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, explained that women living in cluttered homes were more likely to be depressed and tired. These women also had higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

By following this order, you gain an understanding of the items that make you happy before tackling more challenging categories, such as items of sentimental value (see more).

"The key to success is to keep only those things that speak to the heart and discard items that no longer sparks joy”
Marie Kondo

How Tidy Angels can help you

  • Maybe you need support and advice on methods on how to declutter, organise and optimise space in your home?
  • Maybe you feel overwhelmed, and don’t know where to start, or need moral support or help with decisions?
  • Maybe you would like to reduce wastesave money, and develop more sustainable consumption habits?
  • Maybe you would like to improve efficiency and productivity?
  • Maybe you would like to have more quality time for yourself, your family and leisure activities?
  • Maybe you want to feel comfortable inviting friends and family to your home?
  • Maybe you would like to set a good example for your children?

How Tidy Angels can help you

  • Maybe you need support and advice on methods on how to declutter, organise and optimise space in your home?
  • Maybe you feel overwhelmed, and don’t know where to start or need moral support and help with decisions?
  • Maybe you would like to reduce waste, save money, and develop more sustainable consumption habits?
  • Maybe you would like to improve efficiency and productivity?
  • Maybe you would like to have more quality time for yourself, your family and leisure activities?
  • Maybe you want to feel comfortable inviting friends and family to your home?
  • Maybe you would like to set a good example for your children?

It can be difficult to ask for help, but sometimes, additional support or help is needed, and there is no shame in seeking assistance. Tidy Angels adapts to your particular situation or individual needs, making the job easier and faster with lasting results. (see more).

Tidy Angels would be delighted to help you, while garanteeing your privacy and confidentiality at all times.

It can sometimes be difficult to ask for help, but sometimes additional support or help is needed, and there is no shame in seeking assistance. Tidy Angels adapts to your particular situation or individual needs, making the job easier and faster with lasting results. (see more).

Tidy Angels would be delighted to help you, while garanteeing your privacy and confidentiality at all times.

Ready to take the first step?

Kind words from clients

Kind words from clients

Kind words from clients

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