Terms & Conditions

TIDY ANGELS (hereinafter the Service Provider) is a consulting and support company providing customised and creative solutions for decluttering, organising and optimising space in the home.            


The provision of Services is carried out with the active participation of the Customer. The Customer undertakes to comply with the recommendations made by TIDY ANGELS.


 1.    Scope of application

The Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as theTOS“) sets out the terms and conditions applicable to all Services provided by TIDY ANGELS to the Customer.


The TOS will apply each time a Customer initiates a transaction with TIDY ANGELS, Home Organiser and KonMari® consultant,  in the form of a sole proprietorship, having its registered office at 3 rue de la Fontaine Henri IV, 92370 CHAVILLE, registered under SIRET No. 948 883 863.


The provision of any services by the Provider to the Customer will be subject to:
i) the purchase order entered by the Parties, and
(ii) these TOS.

In the case of any conflict, the TOS will prevail over the purchase order.


Acceptance of the purchase by the Service Provider implies a contract between the Customer and the Service Provider (jointly, the “Parties”). The Service Provider’s acknowledgement of the purchase order, provision of any Services under the purchase order, will constitute acceptance of the purchase order.


The rights and obligations of the Parties will be governed solely by the purchase order which will include this TOS.


2.   Definitions

As used in this TOS, the following terms will have the respective meanings set forth below:



Any natural person over the age of 18, or legal entity, with the legal capacity to enter a contract for the provision of Services by TIDY ANGELS in accordance with the TOS.


The services provided (or to be provided) by TIDY ANGELS, including but not limited to advice and assistance in decluttering, organising and tidying spaces.

Billing Price

Subject to article 4. of the TOS below, the total purchase price in euros including VAT in accordance with the TOS.

TIDY ANGELS or the Service Provider

The meaning is given in the above preamble.


Refers to the laws and legal standards in force in France.

3.   Rules governing the Services 

3.1  General principles

The Customer may order a provision of Service from TIDY ANGELS by telephone or e-mail and via TIDY ANGEL’s website.

TIDY ANGELS will indicate to the Customer, by any means, the time and place where the Service is to be performed, based on various criteria, as assessed by TIDY ANGELS, such as: the surface area of the location and the complexity and scope of work to be carried out.

The Billing Price will be communicated to the Customer via a personalised quote before the purchase order is validated.

3.2  Provision of the Service

A billable assessment of the scope of work to be carried out will be conducted on-site where the future Service is to be provided. 

The duration of the assessment is determined according to the complexity and expectations of the Customer. It will be the subject of a mutual agreement between the Customer and TIDY ANGELS. 

The Customer is reminded of his active role in the provision of the Service. Consequently, the Customer undertakes to ensure that the Service is provided in an optimal and appropriate manner and implements all means to do so. 

3.3  How to order the provision of the Service

The Customer must provide the information required to process the order. 

It is the Client’s sole responsibility to ensure that the quotation has been correctly completed and contains all the personal details and information required for payment, and that at the time of payment, in accordance with the conditions set out in article 4 of the TOS, the available balance in the bank account linked to the means of payment used is sufficient to cover the Billing Price.  

4.   Billing Price

4.1  Price determination 

The Billing Price of the Provision of Services is stated in euros, inclusive of all taxes. 

The Billing Price is determined according to the difficulty of the planned Services provided, considering the specific nature of the Customer’s requirements. 

Travel expenses may apply. Any payment incident will automatically invalidate the purchase order. 

4.2  Payment Terms

In consideration of the provision of the Services, the Customer will make a deposit, which will be calculated according to the complexity of the provision of Services. The deposit will be paid when the purchase order is signed. The deposit will not exceed half of the Billing Price. 

Payment in full must be made no later than the day on which the provision of Service is due to commence. 

The method of payment must be agreed between the Customer and TIDY ANGELS. 

In the case of material purchases, the Customer must advance the purchase costs. 

The following methods of payment are accepted: credit card, bank transfer (SEPA only), cheque or cash. 

4.3.  Late payment

If the Customer fails to pay invoiced amounts when due, then TIDY ANGELS may charge interest equal to one and a half times the legal interest rate. 

The absence of full payment by the Client to TIDY ANGELS will result in the immediate cancellation of the Service Provision.  

5.   Force majeure

TIDY ANGELS will not be held liable for any delay in performing or failure to perform any of its obligations under this TOS if such delay or failure is caused by force majeure, which means any unforeseeable and irresistible act of nature, any act of war (whether declared or not), invasion, revolution, insurrection, terrorism, blockade, or embargo, strikes, Governmental or state restrictions, natural disaster, epidemic, public health crisis, and any other circumstances which are not caused by nor within the control of the affected party. 

The Customer will be entitled without liability to suspend or terminate the TOS if TIDY ANGELS is unable to perform its obligations by reason of force majeure. In the event of such suspension or termination, the provisions on termination herein will apply. 

6.   Breach of contract 

6.1  Termination by TIDY ANGELS

In exceptional circumstances, TIDY ANGELS may postpone the provision of Service.   

If it is impossible to postpone the provision of Service, the Customer will be reimbursed, solely for the sums paid in the purchase order, at a date and under reasonable conditions to be communicated later by TIDY ANGELS. 

6.2. Termination by the Customer

The Customer may terminate the TOS by a written notice sent to TIDY ANGELS. 

Customer-initiated cancellation of the provision of Service will be notified at least fifteen (15) days in advance. If the notification of the cancellation has not been made within the time limit provided by these Terms & Conditions, the Customer will be unable to recover his/her deposit. 

To this sum will be added the quantity of supplies and equipment ordered. 

In the event of breach of contract during the provision of the Service, a lump sum equal to 15% of the amount of the quotation including VAT will be added to the amount of the Service already performed.  

7.   Renegotiation of the TOS

TIDY ANGELS may request a renegotiation of the TOS following an unforeseeable change in circumstances. 

Should the negotiation fail, TIDY ANGELS may, after having refunded the entire deposit, not perform the Service.  

8.   Right of withdrawal

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Provision within fourteen (14) days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after fourteen (14) days after the payment of the purchase order. 

Withdrawal must be notified to TIDY ANGELS by registered letter (French LRAR). 

9.   Copyright

The Customer is informed that photographs and/or videos may be taken by TIDY ANGELS and/or by any third party authorised by TIDY ANGELS at the location where the Service is provided. 

Consequently, the Customer expressly authorises TIDY ANGELS and/or any third party authorised by TIDY ANGELS to capture his or her image by any means and to use his or her image in any medium (press, poster, flyer, digital, analog, etc. without limitation as to quantity) and for any type of broadcast (television, cinema, exhibition, website, social networks, etc.) for any purpose, including commercial purposes. This authorisation is valid worldwide and for the entire legal duration of copyright protection relating to the aforementioned media.  

10.  Limitation on liability

Under no circumstances may TIDY ANGELS be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from the use of the Services. TIDY ANGELS liability may only be sought for proven fault and for direct and foreseeable damage, exclusively caused by a failure to fulfil its obligations. 

Any provision of this agreement which requires a party to take all reasonable endeavors imposes an obligation on that party to take all steps reasonably necessary having regard to such party’s circumstances at the time.

TIDY ANGELS will, in good faith, make reasonable efforts to achieve the objective agreed with the Customer.  

11.   Cooperation and dispute resolution

This TOS is governed by French law.

All disputes arising out of or in relation with a Service provided by TIDY ANGELS will be settled in accordance with French law. 

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in relation to this TOS will be settled amicably by negotiation between the Customer and TIDY ANGELS. 

In the event that the dispute, controversy or claim has not been resolved by negotiation, either party may request that the dispute, controversy or claim is resolved by conciliation by one conciliator. 

Where permitted by law, the competent court will be the Tribunal de Commerce de Nanterre.  

12.  Personal data

TIDY ANGELS, as data controller, processes personal data of the Customer. The exercise of rights and the communication of specific post-mortem instructions can be made by e-mail to the following address: contact@tidyangels.fr 

To find out more, the Customer must read the privacy notice currently available here. It is important that the Customer takes the time to review the notice, as it contains important information related to the collection, use and retention of Customer data.  

13.  Cookies

Cookies may be automatically installed on the Customer’s browser when you visit the site. 

The Customer can learn more on the TIDY ANGELS site’s Cookies Policy by visiting the link provided here.  

14.  Documentation

In the case of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the TOS and other contractual or commercial documents, the original French version of the Terms and Conditions will take precedence.

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